Volume 08 No. 4 (2013): October

- For Somebody To Be Your Friend

He should have a tranquil face saying how you were together once and how those times glow beyond all other times. There should be two women you two have pleased countless times, whose little laurels of fat tremble delicately when they smile. There should also be a beach, a pebbled beach, and a couple of kids gazing at the pebbles  []

- The Influence of Francis R. Jones’s English Translations of Bosnian Poetry on the Affirmation of Bosnia’s Cultural Plurality in the Country and the World

Throughout its existence, Bosnia has been a religiously pluralist society. The various Christian churches, Judaism, and Islam, plus numerous syncretic forms, as reflected in one language and their various experiences with it, have contributed to this plurality. In the modern era, this means that Bosnia is considered an anomaly, because its pluralist culture does not readily fit into modern nation-based  []

- The Shapes of Bosnian Souls

[One] Here lies Berko Miotoš, on his noble land. If you would my tombstone overturn, overturn it, but spare your arms and legs. This stone is too heavy to move, and far too heavy to overturn. Its weight has blistered my bones. If you would still tread my bones Do, and the Good Lord and I shall forgive, but do  []