
Inter-religious Culture and Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a meeting place of cultures, civilisations, and peoples whose existence is derived from their religions and largely shaped by them. For this reason, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a meeting place of religions. Relations between religions are reflected in all aspects of social life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If Hans Kung’s maxim that there is no peace  []

The Astonishing Warning of Angelina Jolie

Contradictory commentaries on Angelina Jolie’s movie In the Land of Blood and Honey stimulated me to watch the movie. It was already clear that Bosnian Muslims liked the movie and that the Great-Serbian nationalists loathed it, but I was particularly intrigued by the affectations of the small-Herzegovinians, who detested the movie in imitation of the Great-Serbs. I was impressed by  []

Andrija Pavlič’s Bosnian Mass

Andrija Pavlič, for the 800 anniversary of the Franciscan order, which has been alive in Bosnia with the Bosnian Franciscans for over 700 years, composed a mass with the Latin text called Missa Bosniensis. He also wrote a dedication: Dedicated to St. Francis Assisi, to all those unhappy, abandoned, and lost of this world, to the Bosnian Franciscans and to  []